If you previously blocked people in Google Hangouts through a third-party product, such as an XMPP client, these block settings won't carry over to Google Chat.Google Chat supports blocking people across all services. Google Chat to fully replace classic Hangouts for Workspace users from March / Google’s endless messaging rebrand continues By Jon Porter, a reporter with five years of experience.Start a video meeting or call in Chat using Google Meet.Use Spaces, a dedicated place for topic-based collaboration.
Tip: Since Hangouts is no longer available, we recommend a one-off download of your Hangouts data. Choose how often you want to download the backup. In the available applications, select Hangouts and deselect the rest. Available on mobile, web, desktop and in your Gmail account. Use Google chat to message a person or group.

Google Chat easily integrates across Google Workspace and provides a modern, feature-rich experience that includes: Choosing 'Chat only' turns off the classic Hangouts service.